凯茜·勃兰特将获得由北达科他州基金会颁发的2024年奥扎克大使奖. 她将在周四的基金会年度广场之夜晚宴上受到表彰, 4月18日, 2024, 下午6:30.m. 在签名银行社区室. 晚宴开始前,下午6点将举行招待会.m. 在心房. The special event celebrates the 50周年 of BG真人大游APP which was founded in 1974.
成立于1990年, the Ozarks Ambassador Award is presented annually to someone who has represented northern Arkansas with distinction nationwide in one or more of the following fields: agriculture, 金融, 医学, 教育, 艺术, 政治, 法律, 业务, 社会服务, 铁道部, 或行业.
凯西参加选拔委员会会议时感到很惊讶. “When the selection committee met in late October to discuss and choose the nominees for the Ozark Ambassador and Pioneer Impact Award the members of the committee Charles Adair, 肯·里维斯和丹·鲍尔斯, Dr. Rick Massengale ambushed me that the recipient had already been chosen for the Ozark Ambassador Award and it was me. 我试着拒绝,但我无法拒绝那些人.”
她不知所措,觉得自己配不上这个奖. 然而, those who have relied on her leadership for years were steadfast in recognizing her many contributions locally, 横跨整个州,甚至到其他国家. 她曾担任阿肯色州慈善教育组织(P.E.O),然后担任P.E.O. 国际基金会理事会工作6年. She has also served on the Arkansas Baptist 基金会 and Executive Board of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. 她跟随教会和浸信会国家宣教团前往德国, 巴厘岛, 巴西, 加拿大的手摇编钟合唱团,并在这些旅行中教儿童和成人手摇编钟. Her local community service includes serving on the Harrison School Board for 20 years where upon her retirement she worked with Dr. 查尔斯·阿代尔建立了哈里森公立学校基金会. 凯西说, “I take pride in that organization and what it’s done to provide money for grants for teachers for projects to benefit the school district.”
凯茜于2006年获得北ark总统奖,并于2019年获得先锋影响奖. She was selected as a Woman of Distinction in 2011 and went on to lead the Women of Distinction Alumna in support of scholarships at bg真人游戏注册.
她在诺斯克大学兼职教授会计和经济学长达24年之久, 2006年退休. “I loved my time in the classroom and my association with the faculty and staff and with the students during my years in the classroom,”她说。. “It is rewarding to see the students that I had and how so many of them have become leaders in 业务 and our community.”
凯茜的母亲旺达·科夫曼是基金会董事会成员. 在她1988年去世后,凯茜被要求服务. 目前,她已在基金会董事会任职36年,并在所有办公室任职, 作为广场晚会的主席, 投资委员会和其他董事会委员会主席. “I was honored to be asked to serve as Chairman of the Ozark Ambassador Committee following the death of the original committee members, 约翰·保罗·汉默施密特, Dr. 比尔·贝克,J. E. 理查德·哈德森·邓拉普和小弗兰克·李·科夫曼.约翰·保罗·哈默施密特去世后, John Arthur Hammerschmidt邀请她担任JPH系列讲座委员会成员. 她曾三次在大学校长选拔委员会任职.
凯西和她的丈夫, 拉里一直是学院发展和进步的重要组成部分. They support an endowed scholarship to give financial support to a non-traditional student and helped with funding for the Pioneer Villas residence hall. 她在布恩县经济发展公司的工作获得了700美元,000K donation for the college’s Center for Robotics and Manufacturing currently under construction.
凯西和拉里有两个儿子. Dr. 杰森·勃兰特和他的妻子,琼斯博罗的贾娜杰夫·勃兰特和他的妻子,哈里森的温迪. 他们有五个孙子:威尔·勃兰特、萨曼莎·勃兰特、格蕾丝、艾拉和J·亨利·勃兰特.